2024 National Collection Week
November 18-25
Redeemer has had the privilege of being a central drop-off location for Operation Christmas Child since 2002. Every year dozens of volunteers come together to donate, assemble, receive, pack and ship thousands of shoe box gifts for children all over the world! ​​​​​
Individuals, age 12+, are invited to volunteer at Redeemer to help collect and pack shoeboxes! Registration dates and times are listed below. For general inquiries, or to book a time (for you and/or your group) to volunteer, please call or email OCC Coordinator, Lauren Thompson.
Volunteer opportunities now available!
Mon, Nov. 18: 4-6 pm, 6-8 pm
Tue, Nov. 19: 4-6 pm, 6-8 pm
Wed, Nov. 20: 4-6 pm, 6-8 pm
Thu, Nov. 21: 4-6 pm, 6-8 pm
Fri, Nov. 22: 4-6 pm, 6-8 pm
Sat, Nov. 23: 10-12 pm, 12-2 pm, 2-4 pm
Sun, Nov. 24: 1-3:30 pm, 3:30-6 pm
Mon, Nov. 25: 12-2 pm, 2-4 pm, 4-6 pm, 6-8 pm